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Throughout our lives, each and every one of us makes sacrifices to help our friends, family and neighbours. Therefore by sacrificing what we have to help those in need, we offer crucial solidarity and hope. Right now, a staggering 1 in 9 people worldwide are battling chronic hunger. However, there is hope: by giving Qurbani, you can feed a family in need this Eid.

The first ten days of Dhul Hijjah (the 10 best days) are the most sacred days of the year, loved by Allah (SWT). Therefore, by giving to *The Hereafter Welfare Trust*, you can reap the rewards of this blessed month. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
"There are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days (Hadith | Sahih al-Bukhari)"

Who is eligible for Qurbani?

*The Hereafter Welfare Trust* has a set criteria and scoring systems in place to determine Qurbani recipients. The scoring system is based on the following criteria:

Families who live on less than the minimum income.
Female-headed households.
Families with disabled and/or elderly persons.
Children under five years old.
Pregnant women.
Breastfeeding mothers.
Families with little or no access to the market.

A thorough assessment is therefore carried out by our teams to objectively identify the weighting and priority of each of the above criteria. These are then applied when selecting recipient families to ensure we reach the most vulnerable without bias.

£400 for a cow
£60 (1/7 share of a cow)
£110 for a sheep/goat


​​Registered Charity No:


​Find us: 

The Hereafter Welfare Trust

23 Emscote Street South



​​Donate Via Bank Transfer:

Sort Code: 30-99-50

Account Number: 55923860
IBAN : GB96 LOYD 3099 5055 9238 60


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